MPG/SFX: No further DOI Hijacking

It has been 9 years since we introduced the DOI CookiePusher for the MPG/SFX server. This functionality sets a cookie in the browser which will redirect DOI links to a local link resolver. As a result clicking a DOI link like doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2007.06.019 may lead you to a MPG/SFX service menu, instead of forwarding you to the publisher’s web site directly.

Lately, we received quite a lot of feedback from users complaining about the extra clicks caused by this feature. Therefore, we decided to deactivate the DOI CookiePusher on MPG/SFX. It will take some days until all existing cookies have expired, but afterwards DOI links should no longer be hijacked by MPG/SFX.

You still can request a SFX service menu for a known DOI by:

  1. entering the DOI into the MPG/SFX citation linker:
  2. adding the corresponding plug-in to your browser and pasting the DOI into the search bar: Search plugin creator
  3. calling the script to set DOI cookie manually: DOI cookie pusher
    Please note that the cookie will expire after 72 hours, thus this needs to be repeated regularly.

As always, your feedback is highly appreciated. Feel free to post your comment here or to contact us.