Tag Archives: safari

Mobile-optimized website for Safari Tech Books

ProQuest introduced a new mobile-optimized website for customers of the academic version of the Safari Tech Books collection, including the MPG.

The emphasis of this additional website is to deliver easy access to licensed content via a simplified user interface. You can view it at: http://m.proquest.safaribooksonline.com.

Safari Books Online's mobile website supports the following devices:

  • All iOS 3+ devices
  • All Android 1.5+ (supported without prefetching), 2.1+ (supported with prefetching)
  • Blackberry 6, PlayBook (Blackberry Tablet)

Please note that access to the Safari Tech Books collection is IP authenticated, thus you need to ensure that your mobile device is assigned an MPG IP address.

Please feel free to comment on the new mobile-optimized website – here or via our contact form.

Problems with Safari Books Online

Unfortunately, we noticed several problems with accessing the Safari Tech Books collection over the last days:

  1. The MPG/SFX server sometimes fails to redirect requests to the correct entry page, see example.
    Solution: Prefer the link offered by the "MPG eBook Index" as this seems to work much more reliable.
  2. Not all book content loads correctly if you select a particular book section from the table of content, see example.
    Solution: Try to switch to the HTML view instead by clicking the new icon from the Safari tool bar, i.e.
    safari tool bar

Note: We and the Safari support are aware of these problems and hope to solve them soon!